Trabalho para a 3ª Série Ensino Médio – Prevê-Objetivo – Pederneiras/SP.
New data demonstrate how graduates can expect earn much more than non-graduates, by sex and by country.
A SPELL at university offers more than the chance to indulge in a few years of debauchery. But precisely how rewarding, financially, is completing your degree? A new report from the OECD, a rich-country think-tank, attempts to measure how much more graduates can expect to earn compared with those who seek jobs without similar qualifications. In America the lifetime gross earnings of male graduates are, on average, nearly $370,000 higher than those of non-graduates, comfortably repaying the pricey investment in a university education. Female graduates earn an extra $229,000, the lower rate perhaps because women are more likely to drop out of the workforce to look after children.
On average it pays well to study: across the OECD countries studied a man can expect to make an additional $186,500 in his lifetime if he has a degree. In som places , such as South Korea and Spain , the data show that female graduates pull in more than their male counterparts. In turkey, graduates' additional wages are more modest and the financial advantages of men over women are less pronounced.
(See and other daily charts at:
I. Traduza o título do texto
II. = Data vem do latim e é a forma plural de datum.
Em inglês, pode ser usada tanto no singular como no plural.
Complete a oração:
The data was / were collected by various researchers.
A palavra information, entretanto, é só usada na forma singular.
There ___is___ new information about the accident.
To expect = esperar
To hope = esperar
To wait = esperar
III. Escreva o verbo que corresponde à definição
1. to stay in a place until something happens _t_o _w_a_i_t _______
2. to think that something will happen ______t_o _e_x_p_ec_t__________
3. to wish for something to happen ⇒_________t_o _h_o_p_e___________
To earn = ganhar
To gain = ganhar
To win = ganhar
Complete as frases abaixo com o verbo ganhar em diferentes contextos.
1. I _____g_a_i_n_ed_____10 pounds last semester.
2. The fastest runner _________w_in_s______________ the gold medal.
3. Jane ___________e_a_r_n_s___________ $40,000 a year.
4. I _________g_a_in__________ thirty minutes by taking the subway to
work instead of driving.
5. Our team ___________w_o_n___________ the football game last year.
6. Mary _______e_a_r_n_ed_________ a promotion at work last month.
V. Traduza o seguinte trecho do texto.
“New data demonstrate how graduates can expect to earn much more
than non-graduates…”
“Novos dados demonstram como os graduados podem esperar ganhar
muito mais do que os não formados…”
VI. Combine as colunas.
1. graduate 1 c a) OCDE*
2. OECD* 2 a b) existência
3. to attempt 3 e c) formado, graduado
4. to measure 4 f d) procurar
5. to seek 5d e) tentar
6. lifetime 6 b f) medir
* Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
* Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico.
VII. Preencha os espaços com o vocabulário do exercício acima
1. I _______m__ea_s_u_r_e_d_________ the length and the width of the room.
2. It’s harder to get a good job if you’re not a _______g_r_a_d_u_at_e______.
3. My dog has only been lost once in his entire ______l_if_e_ti_m_e_______.
4. The paramedics _____a_tt_e_m_p_t_e_d______ the resuscitation of the boy.
5. If the symptoms persist, ______s_e_ek______ medical attention.
VIII. Combine as colunas.
1. male/ female 1 d a) quase
2. nearly 2 a b) pagar de volta
3. higher 3 c c) mais altos
4. perhaps 4 e d) homem/ mulher
5. to repay 5 b e) talvez
O oposto de higher (no texto) é ______sm__a_ll_e_r_______________.
Perhaps tem como sinônimo ________m_a_y_b_e_________________.
____T_o _r_ep_a_y____ é definido como to pay someone back for something.
• to spell ____so_l_e_tr_a_r___________
• spell ______fe_i_ti_ç_o______________
• spell ______p_e_rí_o_d_o____________
Traduza as seguintes orações:
1. The fairy’s turned the pumpkin into a fancy carriage.
2. We had a long of hot weather last July.
3. How do you your last name?
4. No texto: A at university…
X. Match these expressions with their explanations below.
1. Debauchery ( b ) _l_ib_e_r_t_in_a_g_e_m_____________
2. To indulge in (something) ( c ) _e_n_t_r_eg_a_r_-s_e_ a_,_ s_a_ti_s_fa_z_e_r______
3. Think-tank ( a )_g_r_u_p_o_ q_u_e_ _re_a_l_iz_a_ p_e_s_q_u_is_a_______________
a) a group of specialists brought together usually by a government to
develop ideas on a particular subject and to make suggestions for
b) habitual over-indulgence in drinking or casual sex.
c) to allow oneself the pleasure of doing or having it.
XI. Combine as expressões do “Business English”.
1. gross earnings 1 b a) mão de obra
2. on average 2 d b) ganho bruto
3. lower rate 3 e c) salários adicionais
4. workforce 4 a d) em média
5. additional wages 5 c e) taxa mais baixa
XII. Tente descobrir os significados das seguintes expressões.
1. = _____c_ar_o_______________________________
Things that are pricey are expensive.
2. = _____la_r_g_a_r,_ a_b_a_n_d_o_n_a_r____________________
Students drop out of school or university when they leave it without
finishing their course of study.
3. = _____c_u_id_a_r_ _d_e__________________________
You look after someone when you take care of them.
4. = _____g_a_n_h_a_r____________________________
In Spain , female graduates pull in more than their male
XIII. Traduza para o Português.
“On average it pays well to study: …”
“Em média, vale a pena estudar: …”
XIV. Combine as expressões na coluna A com seus sinônimos na coluna B.
1. spell 1 d a) costly
2. to attempt 2 h b) to earn
3. to seek 3 e c) probable
4. pricey 4 a d) period
5. likely 5 c e) to look for
6. to look after 6 f f) to take care of
7. to pull in 7 b g) equivalent
8. counterpart 8 g h) to try
1. No texto, “… women are more likely to drop out of the workforce…”, a palavra grifada expressa a ideia de
a) probabilidade. b) certeza.
c) dúvida. d) condição.
e) finalidade.
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: A
2. O texto nos mostra
a) os países que compreendem a OCDE.
b) que as mulheres sempre ganham menos que os homens.
c) a comparação entre os salários mínimos de alguns países.
d) a educação universitária em vários países.
e) a relação pessoas formadas/ não formadas versus salários.
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: E
3. Nos Estados Unidos,
a) os homens formados ganham mais que as mulheres.
b) as mulheres formadas ganham mais que os homens.
c) não há diferenças salariais entre homens e mulheres formados.
d) os homens formados ganham $370,000 mais que as mulheres formadas.
e) as mulheres formadas ganham $186,000 menos que os homens não formados.
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: A
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