sábado, 2 de novembro de 2013

Trabalho – 3º col Pederneiras - SP

The Truth About India

1. = _______________v_er_d_a_d_e_____________________
= _______________v_er_d_a_d_e_ir_o___________________
Complete the sentences.
• _________T_r_u_t_h__________ may be cruel but it is better than lies.
• Is it _____________tr_u_e__________ that you are quitting your job?
2. = ______________t_o_lo_, _b_o_b_o________________
• I made a ____________st_u_p_i_d__________________ mistake.
* prefixo “mis” inadequado, errado
So, turn into Portuguese.
a) misfortune = ____________a_z_a_r__________________________
b) misbehavior = ___________m__a_l c_o_m__p_or_t_a_m_e_n_t_o______________
c) mismatch = _____________c_o_m_b_i_n_a_ç_ão_ _e_rr_a_d_a_______________
d) misapplication = _________m__á_ a_p_li_c_a_çã_o____________________
e) misnomer = _____________n_o_m__e _im__p_r_ó_p_ri_o_________________
Fill in the sentences with “mis - expressions”.
1. Billy was punished for his ________m_is_b_e_h_a_v_io_r________ at school.
2. ___________M__is_f_o_rt_u_n_e_____________ followed the unlucky man
wherever he went.
3. The ______m__is_a_p_p_li_c_at_i_on_________ of hair dye can be dangerous.
4. John and Mary divorced because they were such a ____m_i_sm__a_tc_h___.
5. Tree is a _______m_i_s_n_o_m_e_r_______ for that plant. It’s a bush.
II. In the text, the verb to shake has the same meaning as in “It is very
difficult to shake (off) the habit of a lifetime.”
to shake = to get rid of = ________l_iv_r_a_r_-s_e_ d_e_________________
Now, translate the title of the text.
A Verdade Sobre a Índia – Quatro concepções erradas e tolas de que o
Ocidente precisa livrar-se.
III. Try to translate the underlined expressions according to the
1. A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so
that the fruit fell down.
* to shake ⇒ ___________b_a_la_n_ç_a_r,_ s_a_c_u_d_ir_________________
2. No evidence seems to shake their faith in the rightness of their cause.
* to shake ⇒ ___________a_b_a_la_r_, _en_f_r_a_q_u_ec_e_r_______________
3. Every time one of these big trucks goes through the village, all the
houses shake.
* to shake ⇒ ___________t_re_m__er_, _b_a_la_n_ç_a_r_________________
4. Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky
* shaky ⇒ _____________tr_ê_m__u_la_s_______________________
5. Their marriage looks pretty shaky to me.
* shaky ⇒ _____________in_s_t_á_ve_l________________________
6. The news left me feeling a little shaky.
* shaky ⇒ _____________tr_a_n_s_to_r_n_a_d_o____________________

IV.Match the columns.
1. rich 1 h a) fabrica
2. poor 2 i b) aprender
3. way 3 c c) maneira, modo
4. to be likely to 4 g d) pecas de bicicletas
5. largest 5 e e) maior
6. factory 6 a f) aumento
7. bycicle parts 7 d g) ser provavel
8. to launch 8 j h) rica
9. rise 9 f i) pobre
10. to learn 10 b j) lancar
India is now both rich and poor …”
A Índia é agora tanto rica quanto pobre …
In the text:
“… was running a little factory…”
* to run = _______________a_d_m_i_n_is_tr_a_r________________
Turn these underlined expressious into Portuguese according to the
1. The cat ran when the dog chased it.
* to run = ____________c_o_r_r_er_______________________
2. The refrigerator isn’t running because you haven’t plugged it in.
* to run = ____________f_u_n_c_io_n_a_r____________________
3. This railroad runs all the way to New York City.
* to run = ____________e_s_te_n_d_e_r_-s_e___________________
4. My nose is running. I need a handkerchief.
‘* to run = ____________e_s_c_or_r_e_r_____________________
5. My uncle ran a small newspaper stand on Elm Street.
* to run = ____________c_u_i_d_ar_ _d_e,_ a_d_m__in_i_st_r_a_r__________
6. Most cars are run on gasoline.
* to be run = __________m_o_v_e_r_-s_e_____________________
7. The newspaper ran an article about cancer research.
* to run = ______________p_u_b_li_ca_r____________________
8. We’d be better off in the long run.
* in the long run = _______a_ lo_n_g_o_ _p_ra_z_o________________
9. We ran out of milk, so we will have to buy some more.
* to run out of = ________f_i_ca_r_ s_e_m____________________
10.She accused him of running away from his responsibilities.
* to run away from = _____fu_g_i_r _d_e____________________
VI. Complete the sentences with the expressions below.
1. subscriber = _____________a_ss_i_n_an_t_e______________________
2. trade = _________________c_o_m_é_r_c_io_______________________
3. labor = _________________m_ã_o_ _d_e_ o_b_r_a___________________
4. overseas = ______________(_p_a_r_a_) _fo_r_a_ d_o_ _p__s______________
5. to realize = ______________p_er_c_e_b_e_r_____________________
6. to keep up with = ____a_c_o_m_p_a_n_h_a_r_, _fi_ca_r_ e_m__p_a_ta_d_o_ c_o_m________
a) Wages are failing _________t_o_ k_e_e_p_ u_p_ _w_i_th___________ inflation.
b) The sales representative received a bonus for each new
c) Nowadays, news can be broadcast _____________o_v_e_r_s_ea_s_______
d) _________T_r_a_d_e__________ declined during the recession.
e) Anne _________r_e_a_liz_e_d_________ the importance of the situation.
f) The __________la_b_o_r___________ at the factory decided to strike.

worth = __________va_l_o_r_ _q_u_id_o____________________
Net profit = __________lu_c_r_o_ l_íq_u_i_d_o___________________
weight = _________p_es_o_ __q_u_id_o____________________
worth = __________va_l_o_r_ b_r_u_to_____________________
Gross profit = __________lu_c_r_o_ b_r_u_to_____________________
weight = _________p_es_o_ _b_ru_t_o_____________________

VIII. Turn these excerpts from the text into Portuguese.
1. “So he reverse – outsourced…”
“Portanto ele terceirizou ao contrário…”
2. “… and tends to quickly become indigenous since India is a flexible
and adaptive society.”
“… e tende a rapidamente tornar-se natural (rotineira) uma vez que a
Índia é uma sociedade flexível e adaptável.
VIII. Match the columns.

1. early years 1 a a) primeiros anos
2. to be able to 2 f b) retratar
3. demand 3 g c) de grande importancia
4. foreign 4 h d) em todos os outros lugares
5. to regard 5 j e) ser criado
6. alien 6 i f) ser capaz de
7. to portray 7 b g) demanda
8. elsewhere 8 d h) estrangeiros
9. leading 9 c i) estranha, alienigena
10.to be raised 10 e j) considerer
IX. Match these expressions with their definitions and then translate
1. edge = _______________à _b_e_ir_a_ d_e____________________
2. to rule = _____________g_o_v_e_rn_a_r_____________________
3. equal to = ____________ig_u_a_l_ a______________________
4. nearly = _____________q_u_a_s_e_______________________
a) almost ( 4 )
b) to govern ( 2 )
c) the same as ( 3 )
d) the outer point of something ( 1 )
Answer in Portuguese.
1. Cite os quatro equivocos sobre a India de que o Ocidente precisa
• A India é um país pobre (miserável).
• O crescimento econômico da Índia está consumindo os empregos americanos.
• As contradições existentes na India e a nova tecnologia são difíceis de
serem assimiladas pelos indianos.
• As mulheres indianas são oprimidas e, portanto, não têm nenhuma
oportunidade na vida.
2. No 1.o paragrafo, o texto cita India, Brasil e China em pe de
igualdade. Em que sentido?
O texto equipara os três países como sendo as maiores economias do mundo
no futuro e afirma que eles terão muitas pessoas pobres.
3. Quem e Mayawati Kumari e o que ela faz?
Mayawati Kumari é a governadora do estado indiano de Uttar Pradesh,
que tem uma população quase igual à do Brasil.

British car insurance gender inequality ends
I. a) Insurance is a guarantee that you will receive money if something
is lost or damaged.
* car insurance = __________se_g_u_r_o_ d_e_ c_a_r_r_o________________
* life insurance = _________s_e_g_u_r_o_ d_e_ v_i_d_a_________________
* health insurance = _______s_eg_u_r_o_ s_a_ú_d_e__________________
b) A person’s gender is their sex.
* gender = ______________s_e_x_o_______________
c) Inequality is the same as discrimination.
* inequality = ___________d_e_s_ig_u_a_l_d_ad_e_________
Now, translate the title of the passage.
A discriminação por sexo em seguro de carro desaparece na Grã-Bretanha
II. Match the columns.
1. reason 1 e a) conta
2. far more 2 i b) taxa
3. likely 3 g c) medio
4. average 4 c d) a maioria
5. bill 5 a e) razao
6. rate 6 b f) portanto
7. however 7 j g) provaveis
8. the most 8 d h) risco
9. therefore 9 f i) muito mais
10. risk 10 h j) contudo, entretanto
III. Complete the chart.
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle
1. to pay paid paid
2. to see saw seen
3. to fall fell fallen
4. to say said said
5. to show showed shown
6. to write wrote written

AS FAR AS = ___ até

Now, complete the sentences.

1. Go _____a_s_ f_a_r_ a_s_____ the supermarket and bring me a dozen eggs.
2. _______U_p_ _to_______ ten people can sleep in this tent.
3. Wait ________u_n_ti_l________ the rain stops.
V. Complete the sentences below by using the words in the chart.
premium – repair – ruling – bracket – claim – counterpart
1. After her house was robbed, she made a ________c_l_a_im________ on
her insurance.
2. Most university students are in the 18-22 age ______b_r_a_c_k_e_t _____.
3. Car insurance ______p_r_em__iu_m__s______ have increased a lot this year.
4. The final court’s _________ru_l_in_g________ on the case was that the
company had acted illegally.
5. Women often receive fewer job offers than their male
6. Many of the old buildings are in need of _________r_e_p_a_ir_______.
VI. Combine the words in column A with their synonyms in
column B.
1. premium 1 f a) probable
2. likely 2 a b) sex
3. ruling 3 c c) decision
4. analyst 4 e d) group
5. gender 5 b e) expert
6. stupidity 6 g f) payment
7. bracket 7 d g) foolishness
VII. Complete the following sentences with verbs from the chart.
to hit – to claim – to jump – to design – to welcome
1. The inflation _______h_i_t _______ not only people on high incomes
but also the poor.
2. This dictionary is _______d_e_s_ig_n_e_d________ for advanced learners
of English.
3. The citizens _______w_e_lc_o_m_e_d_________ the construction of a new
stadium in the town.
4. Student numbers are expected to _________j_u_m__p_________ from
2000 to around 3000 next year.
5. The company ________c_la_i_m_s_______ that it is not responsible for
the pollution in the river.

TO ACT IN                TO BE ANGRY       

Translate the sentences below.
1. All child car seats must comply with safety regulations.
Todos as cadeirinhas de carro para crianças devem seguir (agir de acordo
com, cumprir) as regulamentações.
2. “… many insurance companies are up in arms at the decision.”
“… muitas companhias de seguro estão irritadas com a decisão.”
IX. Match the verbs in column A with their synonyms in column B.

1. to comply with 1 d a) to increase
2. to claim 2 e b) to approve of
3. to jump 3 a c) to plan, to intend
4. to design 4 c d) to follow
5. to welcome 5 b e) to say


I. Write T (True) or F (False).
1. U. K. men have always paid higher insurance
premiums than women.
2. The recent ruling is unlikely to be welcomed by British
3. Male motorists will now have to pay up to 40% more
for car insurance.
4. The court passed the ruling to end sexual
discrimination against men.
5. Insurance companies in Britain believe the new system
is much fairer.
6. Men in their late teens and early twenties are the
highest risk drivers.
7. A website said the new insurance premium is a tax on
II. Answer in Portuguese.
1. Por que os homens pagavam mais pelo seguro de seus carros na
A principal razão é o fato de sofrerem mais acidentes do que as mulheres
e de os orçamentos de conserto de seus carros serem mais caros.
2. De acordo com o texto, quem sao os motoristas com maior risco de
Os homens na faixa de 17 a 26 anos de idade.


purchasing power poder aquisitivo
red tape burocracia
stake participação; parte; parcela
budget orçamento
warhorse carro-chefe
1. This toothpaste accounts for 75% of our sales: it’s our __________________w__ar_h_o_r_s_e ________________.
2. You’ll find _____________re_d_ _ta_p_e__________ both in private companies and in governmental enterprises.
3. They decided to buy a ________________s_ta_k_e____________ of that well-known company.
4. Brazilians’ _______________p_u_r_c_h_a_si_n_g_ p_o_w_e_r_______________________ is generally too low to buy goods considered unnecessary.
5. Our ____________b_u_d_g_e_t ________ for the forthcoming year is X, not a penny more!

hard currency moeda forte
to merge juntar-se; fundir-se
to outsource terceirizar
to sponsor patrocinar
seed money capital inicial

1. These two companies are thinking of ____________m_e_r_g_in_g______________ in a very near future.
2. Economists say that the “yen” isn’t a ____________h_a_rd_ _c_u_rr_e_n_c_y_____________ as it used to be.
3. All we need is _________________s_ee_d_ _m_o_n_e_y______________ of about $35,000 to start business.
4. The band’s tour will be ______________s_p_o_n_s_or_e_d___________ by “Pepsi”.
5. As it’s impossible for us to buy new machinery, the only way out is _______________t_o_ o_u_t_s_ou_r_c_e_____________.

revenue receita
IOU I owe you = “Eu devo a você” (vale)
surplus superávit
windfall “coisa caída do céu” (dinheiro); ganho inesperado
payroll folha de pagamento

1. There’s a ____________su_r_p_l_u_s____________ of staff in some departments of the company.
2. We dont’t accept ________________I_O_U____________: no cash, no goods!
3. Since the company is growing fast, it intends to add 100 employees to its _____________p_a_y_r_o_ll____________.
4. Taxes provide most of the government’s _______________r_e_ve_n_u_e________________.
5. I had an unexpected ____________w_i_n_d_fa_l_l ___________ last week – an uncle died and left me a thousand pounds.

assets ativo
supplier fornecedor
default falta de pagamento; inadimplência
downpayment entrada
stockholder acionista

1. I’ve made a ________________d_o_w_n_p_a_y_m_e_n_t_________ on a new TV and video.
2. A company’s _____________a_ss_e_ts_____________ can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery or specialist knowledge.
3. Any ____________d_e_fa_u_l_t_______________ on your mortgage repayments may mean you will lose your house.
4. ______________S_to_c_k_h_o_ld_e_r_s______________ will be voting on the proposed merger of the companies next week.
5. I’ll contact the ______________su_p_p_l_ie_r_______________ and see if I can get the lawnmower you want by Friday.

unfair competition competição injusta
unemployment rate taxa de desemprego
bear market mercado em baixa
wage earner assalariado
market share parcela do mercado

1. Mr. Smith can’t afford to buy a brand-new car: after all, he’s only a(n) ______________w_a_g_e_ e_a_r_n_e_r___________ like most of us.
2. If you believe in statistics and figures, our _____________m__a_r_k_et_ s_h_a_r_e_________________ is good, about 30%.
3. If you’re planning to sell the same product for half the price, it will certainly be a(n) _____________u_n_fa_i_r _c_o_m_p_e_ti_t_io_n_________.
4. Since the town is a(n) ________________b_e_a_r _m_a_r_k_e_t_______________ we expect to sell only 10,000 items there.
5. The ______________u_n_e_m_p_l_o_y_m_e_n_t _r_a_te___________ in Brazil is beginning to worry governors and economists alike, since its peak reached
nearly 10% last year.

liabilities passivo, dívidas
workday expediente
to work overtime fazer hora-extra
assembly-line linha de montagem
to invoice faturar

1. Will you _____________i_n_vo_i_c_e________________ me, or do I have to pay now?
2. The business has _________________l_ia_b_il_it_i_es________________ of $ 2 million.
3. ________________A_ss_e_m_b_l_y_-l_in_e________________ workers need regular breaks to relieve boredom and keep them alert.
4. They’re _______________w__o_rk_i_n_g_ o_v_e_r_ti_m_e______________ to get the job finished on time.
5. An eight-hour ______________w_o_r_k_d_a_y____________ is still typical for many people.

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