terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011



  The New York Times has reported on a problem that many of us have but are not aware of - Internet addiction. According to reporter Tara Parker-Pope, million of us are addicted to being online. She says this is a growing problem that is making us more forgetful and impatient. Ms Parker- Pope writes about various reports highlighting how technology is changing people. In one, she quotes cyber-psychologist Dr. Elias Aboujaode who says: "More and more, life is resembling the chat room." He said we are living in "virtual lifestyles" which is negatively affecting our real-life relationships. Nicki Dowling, a clinical psychologist from Melbourne University in Australia, concluded in a recent study that ten percent of young people had what she called  "Internet dependence".
  Tara Parker-Pope quizzed experts in this field on what the signs are of being overly absorbed in technology. She came up with seven indicators of "tech overload". The first in whether you check your e-mail before doing other things. Another significant sign is if you always anticipate and look forward to your next online visit - a sure sign of dependence and addiction. The third point is if you say, "just a few more minutes" when someone wants you. Parker-Pope found your interaction with others also says a lot about how important the Internet is compared with family or friends; do you lie about how much time you spend online or choose to surf the Net instead of going out with others? Other giveaways include the "online lift" that stops you being unhappy, and when others complain about you always being online.

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