terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011



The global recession has reduced the value of some of lhe world’s
biggest brand names, accarding to a recent report. The report finds
some cor and luxury product monufacturers have been seriously hit by
the economic downturn.
lt’s hard to pul a financial value on a well-known corporate name
but every year the rnarketing consultancy lnterbrand has a go. For
example, il claims the world’s top brand Coca-Cola is currently worth
$68bn, a couple of billíon dollars less than 12 months earlier.
Its latest survey suggests the recessíon has had a considerable
1mpact on the corporate pecking order. Car companies, such as BMW
and Toyota, along with Harley Davidson motorcycles, have seen above
average declines in the value of their brands- as have some Iuxury
firms, like watchmakers Cartier and Rolex, and Armani clothing. The lesson seems to be consurners don’t value expensive things they don’t actully need to buy so much when times are hard.
Meanwhíle, firms associated with relotively cheap products - McDonolds fast food and Kellogg’s cornflakes, for example - hove seen the value of their brands rise relative to others in the recession. The Google brand has also done well- maybe that’s because more people are borgain-hunting on the internet.
Âccording to the survey, the world’s five most valuable brands are Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, General Elecfric and Nokia, unchanged from last year.

                                                                                              Mark Gregory.

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